Good news: we're done watching these movies. Bad news: We still had to talk about two more of them, plus a YouTube video or something? Also, we ranked them. Plus, we listen to pitches about which superior country we should move to.
A line is drawn in the corn.
Isaacs return. (Not a typo).
This is the same as the previous episode but edited by friend and patron Josh Merlis. If you had any trouble with the last 55 minutes of the podcast--volume problems especially--here's a slightly better version.
Whale Fall's Aaron Farinelli joins us to discuss the relative spookiness of corn products. Then, lists are done for no reason and Daniel has cause to make lots of Buffy references. Will we ever meet He Who Walks Behind the Rows?
D-Grain and H-Stalk join the cult of He Who Walks Behind The Rows.
It's a 200th episode extravaganza! We debut our 2019 lists and a new Honorable Mentions Theme, then we rank the great films of Steven Seagal, before discussing two of the best Die Hard rip-offs. Plus, a discussion of train movies!
Episode number 199 tries to pin down exactly what Hal was thinking with Fay Grim and then denounces Hollywood for forcing the third in the trilogy to be Kickstartered. Also, Hal Hartley pitches Fay Grim to Marc Cuban in the Shark Tank.
Because you're all stuck inside anyway, we can get away with a celebrating a wonderful filmmaker that you probably don't give a care about. We also rank Parker Posey and discuss New Andy's Deli.
Special quarantine edition! We wrap up and rank the Texas Chainsaw movies with two weird departures. It starts with an awkward 9/11 joke! Will things improve from there? Tune in to find out!
Now, you see, they're dunes but they're platinum. Platinum dunes. A remake and a prequel to a remake. Ah, the 00s.
In which we learn that Leatherface is a father.
We finally saw that new Terminator movie Cameron produced. We did not find it enjoyable.
Evil Chris chose this franchise and we begin with Henry viewing a classic for the first time and Daniel relating a little too closely to the Leatherface family.
We salvaged 11 minutes of this previously lost episode and recorded new intros and reviews of the final two Lone Wolf and Cub movies! We did it!
We venture forth back to samurai times, as Henry figures out what year it is and we unfortunately get up to four for four on rapes.
What year is it? Who are these people? What's a gaijin? All these questions answered and more outside our wheelhouse as a Patron delivers us a manga adaptation samurai franchise. Donate here.
We did a deep dive into all 3 Crocodile Dundee movies, including just how the hell Paul Hogan locked down the Kozlosker. Happy Australia Day!
Two more losers wasting podcast time on this movie. Dew it.
We say goodbye to every Stifler one by one.
Daniel and Henry venture to the limits of taste. A piece of furniture failed to survive this episode. Chris Weitz solves an argument. Stiflers are discussed.
Bob Dylan's Sasquatch of a son helms a verite sex farce somehow, before Tad Helgenbrelgen or whatever shows up to try to inject the whole enterprise with some added Stiffy Juice.
We discuss a mysterious long-ago time when Jason Biggs ruled the world and blink-182 was the soundtrack of our lives.
We talked about Arnold Schwarzenegger and Larry the Cable Guy Christmas movies for two and a half hours. We are idiots.
Space erotica of the highest degree as we meet many new alien hybrid things and also there's some sweet faux-cest involving a guy named Uncle Tom. The sound of the episode improves at around the 45 minute mark. Sorry, folks.