Get ready for some hardcore sci-fi erotica featuring alien genitalia.
We venture into the unknown and find a magical land where Henry finds a way to fall in love with Josh Gad.
We talk about boning down after ranking the films of Adrian Lyne. Exactly as it should be.
We close out this supremely enjoyable franchise with Jimmy Stewart guiding a party of old-timey actors underwater, followed by a race against time between a plane and a missile for the fate of humanity! We disagreed.
We watched these two tributes to adultery. Get ready for liftoff.
From spooky to spoofy, we dissect the filmographies of the ZAZ boys.
Skyscraper horror! Mustache grooming! Chubby cheeks! A non-plussed Sam Rockwell! Drones! The D-Train forgetting to turn on his mic for the entirety of the episode!
Just in case you wanted to hear two MORE assholes discussing this particular film, here we are.
Jason Anthony Harris (Public Speaking) joins "The Boys" to discuss Native American Mysticism, brownface, vomit monsters, premature deaths and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Plus, there's a BAFTA theme?!
It's a three-movie week! First, George C. Scott chomps on the scenery, which includes a painting of Scott Wilson. Then, Morgan Creek can't decide which boring version of the same movie they want to release, so they decide to release both!
Spooky day to you all! Hellcome to the show! We're talking about William Friedkin's Oscar-winning classic and its honeycomb-shaped sequel, which involves Telepathy Machines and Dana Plato.
Daniel, Henry, Slackers and Dykes this week on The Franchise. We discuss the world of 90s indie cinema with Richard Linklater and Ethan Hawke rankings followed by a discussion of an instant classic.
Still talkin' Term. Plus, a Bale ranking.
Henry and Daniel do math and get annoyed, the AFI chimes in a lot and a Terminator...with boobies?????!!!!!!!
Arnold and Cameron rankings are attempted before a dissection of this very complicated robot slasher movie.
Wolf The Dentist proves a formidable villain for our newly expanded Olympic Ducks. Then, they face off against Our Nord and Savior.
At last. A film with two ampersands in the title.
Gordon Bombay drives drunk and fucks a kid's mom. Quack. Featuring the world's only Emilio Estevez ranking.
These ain't your daddy's Critters. Or Leprechauns. Aaron Farinelli comes on to chat about two decidedly belated entries in these two barely notable franchises.
Leonardo DiCaprio appears in a Critters movie! Then, we take it to space with Angela Bassett!
Patron John-Evan Bear gifts us with one of those 80s franchises about little guys running around chomping on people.
Selleck. Danson. Guttenberg. Nancy Travis doing a British accent. A pooping baby. Heroin. These are the things you want in a major motion picture.
Mancini decides more Chuckies are better and then the Buddi arrives in some very particular theaters.
The Mancini Auteur Era begins here with a come-covered, trans-rights-now carnival ride and a haunted house, locked-room bottle episode.