Selleck. Danson. Guttenberg. Nancy Travis doing a British accent. A pooping baby. Heroin. These are the things you want in a major motion picture.
Mancini decides more Chuckies are better and then the Buddi arrives in some very particular theaters.
The Mancini Auteur Era begins here with a come-covered, trans-rights-now carnival ride and a haunted house, locked-room bottle episode.
Another episode of Sequelizing Sonnenfeld, by your friend and mine, F. Gary Gray.
Chucky goes to military school! Chucky fucks! Just two of the many Chucky adventures currently available for rental or purchase.
We begin a long journey with Chucky by covering his first two movies. Peddle this.
Franchise killer? Disaster? Both? Neither? Let's discuss.
Ranking Disney movies, Robin Williams movies and Guy Ritchie movies. Plus, Fight! Fight! Fight!
We abscond to the land of Agrabah to discuss the great many hobos and Frank Welkers therein. Then, we watch a straight-to-VHS animated Disney sequel. Oy.
We went to see the most recent Wick. Also, we ranked every Keanu movie.
Daniel has a meltdown about violence at the cineplex and Henry gets mad at Laurence Fishburne again.
We finally wrap up our X-Men coverage with a discussion about Jackman's last hurrah and a ranking of the 9 X-Men/Wolverine movies. Then, we finally dig into the biggest movie ever (except Avatar) and do a massive MCU ranking.
Singer's back, boys. He's the mayor of Swastika City and he's ready to shove some old standby ideas down your throats. Also, Quicksilver!
Daniel and Henry start with the 2011 X-prequel/sequel/reboot thing. Then, they Order Up! the films of James Mangold before snikting all over his Japan-set epic.
150th Episode Extravaganza! Henry interviews Brett Ratner! Ian McKellen shows up! Two X-Men movies are discussed in excruciating detail!
We hate and fear some of the later movies in this series, but let's start here with the first two. We talk about Bryan Singer! Henry interviews David Hayter! And Daniel gets to talk about Dougray Scott again!
BONUS EPISODE! We spend theater prices to see a Lithgow vehicle. Daniel might be half asleep, but at least Henry's locked and loaded with his 2018 top 10 list.
We rank Will Smith movies and wonder what the hell happened in this second Men in Black movie. Then, we travel through time and end up somewhere a bit better.
Yeah, so. We were only able to watch one Leprechaun movie this week. So we did it, we chatted about Hornswoggle and we ranked the first 7 Leprechaun movies. Then, we started our next project by doing a deep dive into Barry Sonnenfeld's filmography and then discussing the first MiB movie. We make this look good.
The Franchise sojourns to The Hood, where Warwick Davis is desperately seeking his magic flute and a bunch of 23 year olds are hoping to be 24, but the way things are going, they don't know.
The Leprechaun(s?) gets on our nerves this week, in Vegas and, especially, in space. Meanwhile, George Lucas has some thoughts about copyright law.
Daniel and Henry hunker down for 8 movies about a Leprechaun, so they try to learn as much about him as possible.
We fulfill our first third-tier Patreon donation by covering what may be Henry's favorite movie ever. Also discussed: Space Babies. Plus, a Kubrick ranking.