Danny Boyle follows up his masterpiece about addiction in Edinburgh twenty years later with two hours of nostalgia and cool camera shots. One of us loved it and one of us hated it.
We discuss the era of Apatow, as we act totally normal and hilarious. Rogen. Hill. Segel. Baruchel. Starr. Heigl. Mann. Rudd. Fox. Yi. O'Dowd. Dunham. All the greats.
We are joined by Real Weird Sister Martha Krebill (@realweirdmartha) to discuss a formative franchise in her life, but a brand new one to our intrepid hosts. Daniel, Henry and the future Martha Bartha get to open that Cage door, which leads to Gates (is that a clue?).
Henry and Daniel diverge on the two latest Star Wars films. Prepare for some defense and some offense. There's only one thing that's certain: the Porgs are the best.
First, we are forced to cover a cartoon pasted together with spaghetti and play-doh, and then JJ Abrams shows up to try to put the whole thing back together. Henry, we're home.