Finishing off the month of December by finally spending some time with THE Santa Claus. Saint Nick. Kris Kringle. Hopefully this podcast is enough to bring up the Christmas spirit so there aren't any more wars! Have a Happy New Year.
I do suspect foul play... and by foul play, I mean a bonus episode for Knives Out and Glass Onion! We couldn't wait until after Christmas to talk about it so here you go! We hope you guys are as excited as we were and we hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Bonus episode this week because Disney finally gave us what we wanted! A new Santa Clause thing! Sit back, grab all those classic Christmas snacks and go on this journey with us through all 6 episodes of The Santa Clauses because we don't value life.
Sorry for the late upload this week, technical difficulties but we apologize. There's a TV show coming in just a few days for this franchise but we decided to do it now instead of waiting! And save the Santa franchise for next week after Christmas passes! We hope you enjoy and have a Merry Christmas from our family to yours.
Week 2 of Christmas and all I can say is don't hit play on this episode if you've been good all year. This one's only for the bad boys and girls.
Welcome to December! Where every week we'll cover a different holiday franchise. Going back to the 80's this week where they made cool creatures and delivered emo monologues. Don't listen to this one after midnight!
Remember Bumper from the Pitch Perfect franchise?? Well he's back with his very own show and we're here to try and stretch it into an episode for your listening pleasure! Enjoy!
The end of a trilogy. A spinoff. A reboot. We cover it all this week. Thank you to all the members of Jackass for making this possible.
*Dickhouse sound*
We woke up extra early to milk a horse, then we talked about the first 2 Jackass films! You can't see us, but we did this one Puppet Show style. RIP Ryan Dunn.
Oh, hey, they released new Clerks and Fletch movies. So we get to watch them! Were they good? Or even tolerable? Spoiler alert: one was and one wasn't
Keri. Cundey. Kunis. We finish off this great franchise by getting real big at first, then real little again. Then we also talk a bit about the first episode of the 1997 television show.
We've escaped Jigsaw's grasp once again and we're free on the other side. Which means more family stuff because we love families! Consider yourselves shrunken for the next week.
We wrapped up the spookiest month of the whole entire year by watching the 2 newest entires in the SAW-verse. Do we even care now that Jill's dead? Did Chris Rock improve the series? How many movie franchises has Samuel L. Jackson been in at this point? + SAW MOVIE RANKINGS!!
You know we had to check out how evil was going to die!
It's so cool that John Kramer died in Saw III and then also in Saw IV but he's still in every movie. RIP Chester. And Jill Tuck. And Luke Danes.
We're back this week with our friend Jigsaw, but this time he has even more apprentices and a sexy wife. Are these movies good? Did Amanda really deserve all that? Are we in our very own Jigsaw trap?? Shoutout to Addison!
If it's Halloween, it must be Saw! This year for October we're playing a game with our old pal Jigsaw. Will we live or die?? (We recorded this episode with reverse bear traps on)
Sorry for the mic issues and for the late upload, it took a long time making it as listenable as possible. Don't get too spooked!
More like Yabba Dabba Don't. It's the last week before October!!
They made a depressing movie called Happiness about what it's like to be human, then recast everyone and tried to do it again. If you can't handle the topics discussed in these films, we'll see you next week.
(special edition, the first time on the blue) Leo Little's Big Show anyone??? The toys may be little, but it's a big episode this week! (Tim Allen noise)
Ironically, the tv show about zombies is the one with the most life this week.
They bookended the 2010s and now we're here to get all deep and existential. Are they as good as the first 2? Better?? Not good at all??? WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE IN ALL THIS????
It's time! They made an Orphan prequel so we finally get to find out what's been wrong with Esther!
BONUS EPISODE. Looks like Hulu hunted down a box office smash!