We saw the new Star War and discussed it in detail. We also ranked every Ron Howard movie. Plus, a 2012 discussion between George Lucas and Ron Howard is unearthed!
Hey, hepcats and Daddy-O's! We're skiddlybopping back in time to check in with those cool cats known as the Rat Pack. Then we get down to biz and rank every Steven Soderbergh film while talking about the vastly superior Ocean's remake.
Liana Boraas (Rob Has a Podcast, @lianaboraas) joins us to reflect on Robin Williams and childhood traumas while discussing Jumanji. Then, we check out the big-money sequel and see if it measures up. PLUS, Daniel watches Zathura: A Space Adventure.
Daniel and Henry are joined by special guest Alex Kidwell (@alexkidwell) to reminisce about Kevin Smith's earliest days as a filmmaker and then take a long jaunt through his entire career. How do these convenience store classics hold up these days? Plus, a ranking of Smith's entire filmography.
EPISODE 100! We celebrate with a shark classic and its VOD sequel. Plus, Space Cadet Juan crunches the numbers and ranks every franchise we've done based on our ratings. DEEPEST BLUEST MY HAT IS LIKE A SHARK FIN.